Monday, July 05, 2010

the adorable walkup family

a couple of weeks ago, i got the privilege to photograph this lovely family. i have to admit, i was a bit nervous at first since there were 3 kids under the age of 4.

sometimes that works out. sometimes it does not.

in our case, it worked out.

(of course, it helps to bribe them with sugary treats!)

i love these next three. it makes me wish we had some pink cuteness in our home.


mom and dad with baby.

thank you walkup family for a fun photo shoot and for being the great family you are.we are blessed to have you in our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog, and tks photography by chance tonight. I feel compelled to tell you your pictures blew me away. You have a gift in capturing the emotion of your subjects like I have never seen. They appear filled with joy, and it is so reflected in your pictures.
Excellent work~ I wish you much success, and I also wish you lived closer, so you could photograph MY kids :) Thanks for sharing.