Sunday, November 16, 2008

the walkup family

the walkup family. my second family at the holiday wrap-up and i have to admit, this family is one of my favorite families on earth.

i mean, how can you not smile at this?

thanks walkup's for a fun session.

the garr family

the garr family. the first family during the holiday wrap-up and the family of my lovely assistant.

true, this was one of the most craziest shoots of the day but aren't these two cute??

thank you mrs. garr for helping me all day and for letting me take a sneek peek into your ever moving and ever smiling family. you guys are awesome!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


i have always heard through various photographers that senior boys are the most difficult to photograph. that it is difficult to make them smile... is difficult to make them pose [gasp! even with the family dog, ginger!]

well, that must not be true for the senior boys i have encountered and especially NOT true of john. he was so much fun and such a delight to photograph.

thank you john for letting me capture this time in your life. you are a dashing young man and i wish all the luck in the world.

Monday, November 10, 2008

the pfeuffer family

recently, i had the privilege of taking yet another set of photos for the pfeuffer family.

baby 'p' has literally grown up right before my eyes and my camera lens from maternity photos to newborn photos and now here he is at one year...

and even though, baby 'p' did not fully love our first photo session, he pulled around for round two which made the whole family happy...

and don't worry, mom and dad, i didn't forget about you either...

thank you pfeuffer family for your friendship and for having the faith in me to supply your home with lovely photographs.